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Accessories compatible with the Olympus TG-6.

He following products have been confirmed to be used with the Olympus TG-6 camera in the waterproof case PT-059.

Compatible strobes
The YS-03, the YS-01 and the YS-D2. * Works with the original firmware.

Compatible Wide-angle conversion lens
Product # 52151 M52 Wide-angle conversion lens WCL06

Relatively compact wide-angle conversion lens. Can be attached to the waterproof case without any conversion ring.

Vignetting may occur when the zoom lens is set to the most wide-angle position. Zooming slightly may be required to avoid it.

Setup Sample M52 Wide-angle conversion lens WCL06

Setup Sample YS-03 Universal Lighting System

Setup example M52 wide conversion lens + YS-D2 + various SA8 arms

The information in this announcement is current as of the date of the announcement.
Please note that the information is subject to change without notice.

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